Peter F. Hamilton
The Reality Dysfunction 1
1997 a.
592 lk
In a future world where humanity is divided into two radically different groups, the genetically engineered Edenists and the pioneering Adamists, both groups clash on the primitive world of Lalonde. Reprint." Review
This is space opera on an epic scale, with dozens of characters, hundreds of planets, universe-spanning plots, and settings that range from wooden huts and muddy villages to sentient starships and newborn suns. It's also the first part of a two-volume book that is itself the first book of a series. There's no question that there's a lot going on here (too much to even begin to detail the plot), but Hamilton handles it all with an ease reminiscent of E. E. "Doc" Smith. The best way to describe it: it's big, it's good, and luckily there's plenty more on the way.
Baasis väga kõrgelt hinnatud raamat, Amazonis ka hinne üle kolme. Mina olen siiani umbes 300 lk lugeda suutnud ja nüüd seisab juba pool aastat.
Algus on küll väga kaootiline, jupike siit, jupike sealt, siis räägitakse kolmandast, neljandast... kümnendast asjast. Kõigi nende erinevate süžeeliinide lõikepunkti ei paista (veel), nii paljude erinevate teemaliinide vahel hüpeldes ununeb juba kord käsitletud liini juurde tagasi jõudes ära, mis seal enne toimus jne.
Kunagi proovin veel sealt kolmesajandalt lehelt edasi pääseda, aga praegu küll ei suuda end sundida selle raamatu lugemist jätkama.
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