Scrapyard Ship 2
2013 a.
288 lk.
“Buckle up--this is another crazy ride!”
The Scrapyard Ship sci-fi "cliff-hanger" adventures continue with HAB 12, the second book in the series:
Captain Jason Reynolds faces new challenges, not only on Earth but from the far side of the universe as well. The only way to stop the Craing this time will be to square off with them on their home turf.
Jason's been informed that three powerful Craing warships, having similar technology as The Lilly, will soon be en route to Earth. The Alliance must destroy the Craing's wormhole means of distant space travel to avert Earth's total annihilation. Unfortunately, there's no way to reach the Craing worlds in time, at least not through conventional means.
It's up to Jason and his hand-picked assault team to traverse, by advanced phase-shifting means, through the hazardous environment of HAB 12. This is an adventure fraught with carnivores of a Jurassic Age magnitude, and a terrain so deadly that turning back may be their only hope of survival.
Note from the author:
Don't be surprised by cliff-hanger endings. I'll do my best to keep Scrapyard Ship as well as the Tapped In series books coming so you wont have long to wait for the next book. Enjoy!

Tegin igaks juhuks ühe katse veel, andsin autorile nn teise võimaluse :D. Amazoni hinne teosele on ju kõva: 4,3 5-st 264 hinnanu juures. Aga lootusetu.
No mida arvata loost kus peategelane peale eelmises raamatus ühe tulnukatelaine tagasilöömist ja teades, et peagi on järgmine ja palju suurem armaada kohale jõudmas ning et oleks vaja tegeleda oma kosmoselaevade remondiga, Maa kaitsestruktuuride loomisega, laevameeskondade väljaõpetamisega ja veel tuhande suure ja väikese probleemiga, istub nädala oma autoromulast kodus ja libistab tasakesi õlut samal ajal kui ta ülejäänud meeskond tööd rabab. Mitte et ma tahaks öelda, et õlle libistamine ebameeldiv või jube tegevus oleks, üldsegi mitte, aga iga asi omal ajal. No see pole ju loogiline ega normaalne käitumine? Milleks autor lugu sellise idiootsusega alustab? Aga just selline on selle raamatu algus mis mul lõplikult kopsu üle maksa ajas ja raamatu nurka viskama pani. Loomulikult 1.
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