6. november 2014


Florian Nagy
2014 a.
ca 160-180 lk.

Contingency is a story set thousands of years in the future. The human Imperium, whose dominance was long taken for granted, suddenly finds itself resting on pillars of sand as unexpected occurrences rise to challenge the order and status of the galaxy.

Contingency is set in Earth's year 3987. The human Imperium, based around its homeworld of Earth, has been dominant in the galaxy for centuries. This apparent sovereignty is violently shattered in a mound of confusion as Earth is besieged by an alien race called the Skyrrnians. Delve into the background of the peoples of the galaxy, as they discover hidden secrets among the stars in their strive for dominance.


Tegemist on oktoobri lõpus Smashwordsis ilmunud ja tasuta allalaetava looga.
Loomulikult on autor täiesti tundmatu, pildil paistab küllalt noor poiss olema ja elukohaks märgib Saudi Araabia (kuigi ega araablasena ta nüüd küll välja ei näe...).

Mida loo kohta öelda? Kirjutatud oli ladusalt ja loetavalt. Kohati ehk liigagi üksikasjalikult aga inimeste arengust viienda aastatuhande alguseks pildi saime (üle mitme aja ka lugu, kus inimesed on galaktika valitsejad, mitte aga õnnetud kolgitavad). Põnevust oli. Moraal oli - ei maksa üle oma pea hüpata ja end võõraste sulgedega ehtida (skyrrnianid), areng peab toimuma loomulikul teel või muidu võib see väga kurvalt lõppeda.

Aga midagi sellist oli loos ka, mis mind häiris ning mis see oli, ei saa ma praegu veel õieti aru. Mul on selline tunne, et see on üks harvadest mu loetud raamatutest, mille kohta mu hinnang võiks muutuda kui ma peaksin ta kunagi veel uuesti lugeda võtma (mida ma muidugi ei tee). Aga praegu saab mu hinne siiski vaid/lausa(?) kolm olema.


The Earth Defense Fleet’s ships zipped around the amassing enemy armada. At its head loomed the oncoming dreadnaught. The Skyrrnian flagship advanced slowly among the intense exchange of firepower. Deadly eruptions of light and destructive energy flashed all over the view screen of the EFS Vigilante. From inside, the crew of the now dwindling supply of Earth frigates could see the enemy behemoth. It picked off the fighters who were valiantly trying to hinder its advance by focusing fire on one of its windows or power relays. Unfortunately, the Skyrrnian flagship had blast shutters drawn over almost every sensitive component and was fully prepared for the assault. Its turrets took down the small strike craft like flies.

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