18. märts 2014

The Legend of Earth

T. R. Harris
The Human Chronicles Saga 5
2012 a.
248 lk.
Adam Cain is an Alien with an Attitude!

And now, as all the powerful forces in the galaxy converge on the planet Juir, Adam and his band of Human Supermen must fight to save not only their lives, but all the people on Earth! After a horrific invasion of the planet Juir by the Kracori, Adam and the Juirean leader must escape from an underground bunker in time to warn the Earth about a second attack by aliens -- this time by the Kracori.

In the exciting FINAL Volume of PART ONE of The Human Chronicles Saga, everything has been leading up to this! Now the Human race must contend with their new-found status -- as the most-powerful beings in the galaxy! Sometimes it's good to be the King. Other times, it's not.

Find out which in The Legend of Earth.

The action and humor -- as always -- is non-stop, and the Superman-like abilities of the Humans are on full display in this latest book.

This Epic Saga is full of spectacular space battles, exotic aliens, political intrigue and heroic deeds, and all presented in a gritty, realistic form that will make you believe that these are real people engaged in real adventure. Let the awe and wonder of interstellar adventure come home with you.


Lõppmäng. Teadagi milline. Kuigi väike ootamatus oli seal ikka sees.
Kui nüüd kogu viieosalisele sarjale tagasi vaadata, siis võiks loetu lühidalt kokku võtta sõnade või motoga:
Human (Menschen) über alles!
Ei tea kas on viga minus või mis, aga minu jaoks jäi sarjast veidi rassistlik alatoon kõlama.
Inimene on meie galaktika superman. No vähemalt füüsiliselt. (Vaimselt ja teadmiste poolest olnuks seda keeruline väita kui Maa üks kolkaplaneet oli ja isegi ülegalaktilisse ühendusse ei kuulunud).
No ja Adam oma pideva korrutamisega, kui tore on tulnukaid maha nottida, et puhas rõõm ainult...

Seega sarjas põnevust ja tegevust on, samas on aga teatud halb maik loetul samuti juures.
Ahjaa, konkreetselt sellele siinsele viimasele osale siin samuti kolm hindeks - ega ta eelmistest osadest millegi poolest ei erinenud ega esile ei tõusnud.

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